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Fit for a King: Richard III Project

There has been a special Altar Linens Project in the works for a Royal King for the past few months.  The story has its roots in the years 2012 and 1485.  The Royal King is Richard III of England.  The story began in 2012 when the body of King Richard III was found near Leicester Cathedral. How he came to be there is a story buried in time dating back to the year 1485.

Linens for the Reburial of King Richard III
Linens for the Reburial of King Richard III (Elizabeth Morgan on Left)

Rather than trying to retell the story here, it might be best to direct you to the story Fit for a King: Queensbury Woman Creates Altar Linens for Richard III’s Reinterment.

Making altar linens for a King of England was a very special project, coordinated by Elizabeth Morgan.  She had an army of worker who did machine embroidery and hand hemmed all of the linens, including yours truly.  It was fun to play even a small roll in such an historic event.  I will share photos of the pieces I hemmed for the event in a few days.

Prior to sending the Altar Linens for King Richard Reinterment to England, there was a Blessing held this past Sunday at the Cathedral of All Saints – Albany, NY,   which provided the financial support and encouragement for the project.

To learn more about the upcoming reburial of Richard the III, visit King Richard in Leicester.

For anyone following along in the UK who may be planning on attending, please be sure to share news of the event! If you have photos,  post a comment with a link to Flickr where you can upload and share photos or a link to Facebook photos would also work.

Solo Dei Gloria

Be sure to visit our online store front Ecclesiastical Sewing where you may shop for Liturgical Fabrics, altar linen fabrics, church vestment making patterns, liturgical machine embroidery designschurch vestment trims and notions and so much more. You may also find us on  Ecclesiastical Sewing  on Facebook , Twitter, and Pinterest. Sing up for our mailing list  at the bottom of the page on our online store front and receive a free copy of our Small Linens Booklet as our way of saying thank you for following along.

Filed under: Church Linens Tagged: Altar Linens for King Ricahrd III, Church Linens, Elizabeth Morgan, King Richard III Reinterment, Leicester cathedral, Richard III Reinterment, Richard the III at Leicester Cathedral
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