Messianic Rose & Crown | Religious Embroidery Machine File - Ecclesiastical Sewing
O'Emmanuel Flower Advent Digital Embroidery Design | Advent Machine Embroidery Design Ecclesiastical Sewign
Office of the Keys Keys to the Kingdom Digital Embroidery | Religious Machine Embroidery Design Ecclesiastical Sewing

Office of Keys--Religious Machine Embroidery File

A partir de $ 11.00 to $ 14.00
Office of the Keys Religious Machine CHurch Embroidery Design | Liturgical CHurch Embroidery Ecclesiastical Sewing
Palm Chi Rho Church Embroidery Design (File) For Palm Sunday & Lent
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Rondel Prayer Digital Embroidery Design | Church Prayer Rise as Incense Machine Embroidery Ecclesiastical Sewing

Prayer--Religious Machine Embroidery File

A partir de $ 11.00 to $ 14.00
Pugin Agnus Dei Vintage Religious Machine Embroidery File - Ecclesiastical Sewing
Radix Jesse Leaves Advent Religious Machine Embroidery File | Advent Digital Design Ecclesiastical Sewing
Radix Jesse Leaves Rondel AdventReligious Machine Embroidery File | Digital Embroidery Design Ecclesiastical Sewing