Today many gathered in our Nation’s Capital to mourn the loss of Antonin Scalia. We often fail to mourn the passing of those around us. But today, we will pause and mourn with those who were in attendance at the funeral.
Today’s events were marked with the solemn dignity one expects at a State Funeral. The Clergy presiding over the service wore matching cream-colored vestments with tapestry orphreys.
The pall was also part of the same vestment set, with matching tapestry orphrey bands.
Other clergy in attendance at the funeral wore vestments such as surplices, dalmatic, tunic, and chasuble, among others, according to their role and position within the church.
The Rev. Paul Scalia, (son of the Supreme Court Justice), gave the homily for today’s solemn service. He wore a Cream colored chasuble with a tapestry v-shaped yoke and pillar orphrey.
Clergy robed in matching white chasubles lined the stairs to pay their last respects as the flag draped coffin left the Cathedral. Our condolences and prayers go out to the members of the Scalia Family.
Solo Dei Gloria
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Filed under: Church Embroidery and Church Vestments, Ecclesiastical Sewing Tagged: Church Embroidery and Church Vestments, Column orphrey, Ecclesiastical Sewing, Tapestry Chasuble, White chasuble