Today I want to draw your attention to one of our Yarn Dyed Brocades. At Ecclesiastical Sewing, we hope to create many church vestment makers. We provide patterns, trims, and even fabrics. A key part of vestment making is learning about the fabrics available.

Glastonbury Brocade was originally designed by William Perkins around 1890 A.D. Featured on this fabric are a Rose and a Crown of Thorns. There is a story behind the choice of these symbols. It is said that Joseph of Arimathea visited Glastonbury, England in the first century. While there, he and his companions climbed Wearyall Hill. As he rested, Joseph struck his staff into the side of the hill. This took root and grew into the original thorn tree. Many clippings from this original tree were saved throughout the years. This proved valuable, because Puritan soldiers cut down the thorn tree during the English Civil War. And the most recent tree was planted from these clippings in 1951. This tree, however, was badly damaged by vandalism in 2010; there are many interesting articles on the web if anyone cares to go read about it. Ultimately this thorn tree is considered an object of interest for Pagans and Christians. This beautiful tree flowers around Easter and then again around Christmas time.

Our Glastonbury Brocade has a small pattern repeat. With its rich heritage, it has been used extensively for years and will continue to be for many years to come. Not only does Glastonbury Brocade have a reasonable price point, but the colors are the standard colors of the church seasons.

If you are interested in using Glastonbury Brocade, you can always order a sample from Ecclesiastical Sewing. Just as we encourage you to begin or continue to sew for your church, we encourage you to expand your choices of fabric. Whether this is the face fabric, the background of an embroidery, or an orphrey on another fabric, Glastonbury can be used in all these instances! Make a vestment or use Glastonbury as an accent—a fantastic option!—not just because it is an A+ fabric, but also because of its rich history and symbolic meaning.
Thank you for reading and learning about this beautiful brocade.
~Nihil Sine Deo~
Filed under: Ecclesiastical Sewing