Summer has finally arrived in Northern Minnesota, and the last week was a little wild in many ways. The past week saw a severe storm in our area that caused a great deal of damage. Thankfully the worst thing to report at my home is one tree down in the back yard. After the flurry of activity with the storm, it is now time to settle down and get back to ………. creating new hand embroidery designs for Church Vestments and church linens.

When making a new Ecclesiastical Embroidery Design for church linens, sometimes things work out, and sometimes………. well things are not quite on target (time to admit I am not a master at these design programs). . And so it goes for tonight. A new Liturgical hand embroidery pattern is complete, but the file saved refused to be saved in the correct format.
The hand embroidery pattern om the above picture is a combination of two design motifs frequently used as Christian symbols. The first is the Fleur de lis which symbolizes purity and often represents the Trinity. The Virgin Mary and the angel Gabrielle are also represented by the Fleur de lis. This particular design is also reminiscent of the pomegranate. At this stage, the design is still a work in progress. The initial form and shape is nice, but some of the details need more revision.
There are plans for this little design, and I hope they works. The plan is to start with this little design and see what can be done by combining it in different ways suitable to different vestments. The simplest design is to combine four images to create a cross, or, what about a border? Time will tell if the experiment is a success, and I will be sure to keep you posted.
In the mean time, this design could be stitched as a white-work design with padded satin stitch around the central flower, and outline on the side flowers and stem. Trailing stitch would also be nice. Seed stitch filling?…. yes, that might be just the finishing touch.
So, this first part of the experiment has been a good start, but the design still needs work. I will keep you posted on any updates with the design.
Solo Dei Gloria
Be sure to visit our online store front Ecclesiastical Sewing where you may shop for Liturgical Fabrics, altar linen fabrics, church vestment making patterns, liturgical machine embroidery designs, church vestment trims and notions and so much more. You may also find us on Ecclesiastical Sewing on Facebook , Twitter, and Pinterest. Sing up for our mailing list at the bottom of the page on our online store front and receive a free copy of our Small Linens Booklet as our way of saying thank you for following along.
Filed under: Church Linens, church vestment, Ecclesiastical Sewing, embroidery design Tagged: Church Linens, Church Vestment, Ecclesiastical Embroidery Designs, Ecclesiastical Hand Embroidery design, Ecclesiastical Sewing, embroidery design, Liturgical hand embroidery pattern, vestment making