It was a long-awaited 4-day weekend. I had envisioned the weekend spent working on Ecclesiastical Sewing projects and continuing on several Ecclesiastical Embroidery projects that are underway, including some much-needed hand embroidery time on the Easter Set Pulpit Fall and The Tale of Two Lambs projects. Sometimes plans do not always turn out as expected.
Getting up and started early on Friday morning, the thought was spend a little time organizing a few things, then move on to the hand embroidery projects. The few things were a few piles of Ecclesiastical Embroidery design ideas that were scattered here and there around my sewing room. No problem. Grab the 3-hole punch and plastic page protectors, and wrap things up in a few minutes. Well, wait a minute, there are also printouts of online books that need to be organized. And photos of ideas that need to go somewhere. And instructions on pattern cutting and drafting need to be put away. Then there were papers in a folder that should go in a notebook. And the list went on. The more things got cleaned up, the more pieces of various papers there were to find and finally deal with. Then, there were notebooks with no organization, but only random items. Then, similar items were in another notebook, not connected in any way. Then there were items for specific projects, and the list goes on and on and on…………………..

The end result is about one and one-half days later, every paper, printout, photo, e-book print out, or odd idea that has been floating around the sewing room for the past who knows how long has finally been dealt with. This really has a wonderful silver lining! There is now a system of organization to the 3 ring binders in the sewing room.

There is a book with embroidery patterns and symbols. Related symbols are in the same spot. Specific future Ecclesiastical embroidery projects with their design ideas have their own book. There is a book with print outs from my favorite blogs, and print-outs of e-texts that I have ordered. Instructions, for techniques that I like or would like to try, have a home. Print outs of old books from Internet Archives and other sites are all in separate notebooks.
Everything has been labeled with a spine insert to know what is in each binder as they sit on the shelf.
The end result is that now, nine 3-ring binders later, when I want to work on a specific project, or if I need to locate something, there is a good shot at being able to find it rather than wondering which pile of papers it might be in. It was a weekend well spent, since it was rainy and awful outside anyway.
The best part is that, yesterday and today, the two new hand embroidery patterns that needed to be worked on went very well because, everything was available in an instant. Ah, yes, now the trick will be keeping things organized! I cannot wait to show you the new Ecclesiastical Embroidery designs and Ecclesiastical Embroidery Patterns that are soon ready to go! It was a weekend well spent!
Solo Dei Gloria
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Filed under: Easter Church Vestment Set, Ecclesiastical Embroidery Design, Ecclesiastical Sewing, embroidery patterns, Hand embroidery, Pulpit Fall Tagged: Easter Church Vestment Set, Ecclesiastical Designs, Ecclesiastical Embroidery Design, Ecclesiastical Embroidery Patterns, Ecclesiastical Sewing, ecclesiatical embroidery, embroidery patterns, goldwork embroidery, Hand embroidery, hand embroidery patterns, Pulpit Fall, pulpit falls, The Tale of Two Lambs