With the launch of our new Ecclesiastical Sewing Storefront, it might take a while before everyone becomes familiar with the navigation and location of various items. When it comes to shopping for Liturgical Church Vestments, one usually has a season of the church year in mind. If one knows the season of the church year that one is shopping for, that most often narrows down a search. The seasons of the church year can be broken down into color. The beginning of a new church year is only a few weeks away.
Advent, the first season in a new church year, and Lent, are penitential seasons – a time of reflection and a time to focus on the fulfillment of a promise. Color is used within the church to remind us that Advent and Lent are Penitential Seasons. Violet or Purple are the colors used during these seasons of church year. Under the heading of purple or violet, come a few other colors. Rose is the color used in the third week of Advent and the fourth week of Lent to remind us of the slight change in the reading that have a lighter meaning.
Blue is another color that falls under the purple banner as a penitential banner. Some church bodies use blue during the season of Advent. As you can see, there is quite a selection of liturgical fabric available in the penitential color range. As these lovely Liturgical Brocade, Damask and Metallic Brocatelle fabrics are created, great care and attention to detail may be seen in the design of the pattern. These fabrics often use rich symbolism to convey a meaning that aids the mission of the church by way of teaching, and by way of the visual beauty it lend to the environment or wearer.
But rather than go on talking about all of the colors, it might be more fun to let you explore the colors, and become more familiar with the Liturgical fabric patterns and colors. To learn more regarding fabric width, pattern repeat, and fiber content visit EcclesiasticalSewing.com
Soli Deo Gloria
Be sure to visit our online store front Ecclesiastical Sewing where you may shop for Liturgical Fabrics, altar linen fabrics, church vestment making patterns, liturgical machine embroidery designs, church vestment trims and notions and so much more. You may also find us on Ecclesiastical Sewing on Facebook , Twitter, and Pinterest. Sing up for our mailing list at the bottom of the page on our online store front and receive a free copy of our Small Linens Booklet as our way of saying thank you for following along.

Filed under: Ecclesiastical Fabric, Ecclesiastical Sewing, Liturgical Colors, Liturgical Fabrics Tagged: Advent Colors, Ecclesiastical Fabric, Ecclesiastical Sewing, Liturgical Colors, Liturgical Fabrics

leila skoda
is gold fringed used on the blue advent paraments