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Il tuo carrello

Il tuo carrello è vuoto

Collezione dell'Avvento della Città di Davide

33 Risultati

33 Risultati

Advent Altar Frontals | City of David Superfrontal | Altar Hangings
Advent Altar Frontals | City of David Superfrontal | Altar Hangings
Ecclesiastical Sewing

City of David Frontale dell'altare dell'Avvento

$ 2,250.00

Prezzo unitario

$ 2,250.00

Prezzo unitario

City of David Small Superfrontal Advent Altar Frontal | Altar Hanging
City of David Small Superfrontal Advent Altar Frontal | Altar Hanging
Ecclesiastical Sewing

City of David Small Superfrontal Advent Altar Frontal

$ 1,750.00

Prezzo unitario

$ 1,750.00

Prezzo unitario

City of David Advent Collection
City of David Advent Collection
Ecclesiastical Sewing

O Come Emmanuel Superfrontal | Altar Hanging City of David Advent Collection

$ 1,875.00

Prezzo unitario

$ 1,875.00

Prezzo unitario

City of David Fall |  City of David Pulpit and Lectern Falls
City of David Fall |  City of David Pulpit and Lectern Falls
Ecclesiastical Sewing

City of David Fall | City of David Pulpit and Lectern Falls

$ 900.00

Prezzo unitario

$ 900.00

Prezzo unitario

Advent Altar Hanging | City of David Pulpit and Lectern Falls
Advent Altar Hanging | City of David Pulpit and Lectern Falls
Ecclesiastical Sewing

Città di David Pulpit e Lectern Falls

5.0 (1)

$ 700.00

Prezzo unitario

$ 700.00

Prezzo unitario

Bethlehem Star Advent, Pulpit Lectern Fall | City of David Collection
Bethlehem Star Advent, Pulpit Lectern Fall | City of David Collection
Ecclesiastical Sewing

Bethlehem Star Advent, Pulpit and Lectern Fall | City of David Collection

$ 675.00

Prezzo unitario

$ 675.00

Prezzo unitario

Crown and Manger Pulpit Lectern Fall | City of David Pulpit and Lectern Falls
Crown and Manger Pulpit Lectern Fall | City of David Pulpit and Lectern Falls
Ecclesiastical Sewing

Crown and Manger Pulpit Lectern Fall | City of David Pulpit and Lectern Falls

$ 650.00

Prezzo unitario

$ 650.00

Prezzo unitario

A Light to the Gentiles | City of David Pulpit and Lectern Falls
A Light to the Gentiles | City of David Pulpit and Lectern Falls
Ecclesiastical Sewing

A Light to the Gentiles | City of David Pulpit and Lectern Falls

$ 579.00

Prezzo unitario

$ 579.00

Prezzo unitario

Clavis David, Pulpit and Lectern Fall | City of David Collection
Clavis David, Pulpit and Lectern Fall | City of David Collection
Ecclesiastical Sewing

Clavis David, Pulpit and Lectern Fall | City of David Collection

$ 600.00

Prezzo unitario

$ 600.00

Prezzo unitario

Cross Bible Marker City of David Collection | Blue and Violet
Cross Bible Marker City of David Collection | Blue and Violet
Ecclesiastical Sewing

Cross Bible Marker City of David Collection | Blue and Violet

$ 285.00

Prezzo unitario

$ 285.00

Prezzo unitario

Star Bible Marker City of David Collection- Ecclesiastical Sewing
Star Bible Marker City of David Collection- Ecclesiastical Sewing
Ecclesiastical Sewing

Star Bible Marker City of David Collection

$ 275.00

Prezzo unitario

$ 275.00

Prezzo unitario

Bethlehem Star Chalice Veil | City of David Advent Collection
Bethlehem Star Chalice Veil | City of David Advent Collection
Ecclesiastical Sewing

Bethlehem Star Chalice Veil | City of David Advent Collection

$ 369.00

Prezzo unitario

$ 369.00

Prezzo unitario

Bethlehem Star Burse | City of David Advent Collection
Bethlehem Star Burse | City of David Advent Collection
Ecclesiastical Sewing

Bethlehem Star Burse | City of David Advent Collection

$ 469.00

Prezzo unitario

$ 469.00

Prezzo unitario

Star Chalice Veil | City of David Collection Ecclesiastical Sewing
Star Chalice Veil | City of David Collection Ecclesiastical Sewing
Ecclesiastical Sewing

Star Chalice Veil | City of David Collection

$ 359.00

Prezzo unitario

$ 359.00

Prezzo unitario

Star Burse | City of David Collection- Ecclesiastical Sewing
Star Burse | City of David Collection- Ecclesiastical Sewing
Ecclesiastical Sewing

Star Burse | City of David Collection

$ 459.00

Prezzo unitario

$ 459.00

Prezzo unitario

Advent Stole for Clergy (Blue, Violet) | O'Antiphone Advent Collection
Advent Stole for Clergy (Blue, Violet) | O'Antiphone Advent Collection
Ecclesiastical Sewing

Stola Pastore Avvento Blu o Viola | Collezione O'Antiphon

5.0 (2)

Da $ 739.00

Prezzo unitario

Da $ 739.00

Prezzo unitario

Advent Stole | Priests, Pastors, Deacons in Blue or Violet
Advent Stole | Priests, Pastors, Deacons in Blue or Violet
Ecclesiastical Sewing

Stola dell'Avvento | Sacerdoti, Pastori, Diaconi in Blu o Viola

4.5 (2)

Da $ 429.00

Prezzo unitario

Da $ 429.00

Prezzo unitario

City of David Clergy Stole (Handmade) | Pastoral, Priest, or Deacon Stoles
City of David Clergy Stole (Handmade) | Pastoral, Priest, or Deacon Stoles
Ecclesiastical Sewing

Città di Davide Stola del clero | Stole pastorali o sacerdotali

5.0 (1)

Da $ 499.00

Prezzo unitario

Da $ 499.00

Prezzo unitario

Rex Gentium Advent Stole for Clergy (Blue or Violet) | Clergy Stoles
Rex Gentium Advent Stole for Clergy (Blue or Violet) | Clergy Stoles
Ecclesiastical Sewing

Pastore dell'Avvento o Stola Sacerdotale per il Clero | Rex Gentium in blu o viola

Da $ 519.00

Prezzo unitario

Da $ 519.00

Prezzo unitario

City of David Bethlehem Stole | Advent Pastor Priest Stole
City of David Bethlehem Stole | Advent Pastor Priest Stole
Ecclesiastical Sewing

Città di Davide Stola Betlemme | Avvento Pastore Sacerdote Stola

Da $ 865.00

Prezzo unitario

Da $ 865.00

Prezzo unitario

Advent Star Stole | Blue or Violet Advent Pastor Priest Stole
Advent Star Stole | Blue or Violet Advent Pastor Priest Stole
Ecclesiastical Sewing

Stola Stella dell'Avvento | Stola del prete del pastore dell'Avvento blu o viola

5.0 (2)

Da $ 489.00

Prezzo unitario

Da $ 489.00

Prezzo unitario

Messianic Rose Manger Stole | Blue or Violet Advent Pastor Stole
Messianic Rose Manger Stole | Blue or Violet Advent Pastor Stole
Ecclesiastical Sewing

Messianico Rose Manger Stola | Stola del prete del pastore dell'Avvento blu o viola

Da $ 539.00

Prezzo unitario

Da $ 539.00

Prezzo unitario

Messianic Rose Violet or Blue Advent Stole |Advent Pastor Priest Stole
Messianic Rose Violet or Blue Advent Stole |Advent Pastor Priest Stole
Ecclesiastical Sewing

Stola dell'Avvento rosa messianica | Avvento Pastore Sacerdote Stola

5.0 (1)

Da $ 379.00

Prezzo unitario

Da $ 379.00

Prezzo unitario