HTML sitemap for products
- Red Luther Rose Brocade Dove and VDMA Pentecost Chasuble - Dice Braid Trim With Red and Gold Wakefield Orphreys
- Cassock Sewing Pattern for Altar Server | Church Vestment Pattern
- Our Lady of Guadelupe Digital Embroidery Design | Machine Embroidery
- Advent Tau Cross Crown Messianic Rose Stole | Blue or Violet Priest Stole
- Advent Lattice Pastor Priest Stole | Violet or Blue Clergy Stole
- Advent Tau Star Pastor Priest Stole | Violet or Blue Clergy Stole
- Gilt Wavy Passing Thread Goldwork Embroidery | Goldwork Embroidery
- Advent Lattice Rose Lectern Fall | Advent Tau Collection Pulpit Fall
- Advent Rose Blossom Lectern Fall | Advent Tau Collection Pulpit Fall
- Advent Messianic Rose Lectern Fall | Advent Tau Collection Pulpit Fall
- Advent Star Pulpit Lectern Fall | Advent Tau Collection Pulpit Fall
- Advent Crown Cross Overlay Lectern Fall | Advent Tau Collection Pulpit Fall
- Advent Crown Over Cross Lectern Fall | Advent Tau Collection Pulpit Fall
- Advent Tau Cross Lattice Border Superfrontal | Altar Hanging
- Advent Lattice Crown Border Star Superfrontal | Violet Altar Hanging
- Advent Lattice Crown Rose Superfrontal | Violet Altar Hanging
- Advent Superfrontal Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence | Altar Hanging
- Advent Lattice Crown Lectern Fall | Advent Tau Collection Pulpit Fall
- Confessional Stole Kit! *Only 100 AVALIBLE!*
- Old English Style Round Yoke Surplice Pointed Sleeves | Church Vestment Pattern
- American Round Yoke Surplice | Church Vestment Sewing Pattern
- Cathedral Round Yoke Choir Cotta Lace Insertion Hem | Church Vestment Pattern
- Altar Server Round Yoke Cotta With lace Insertion | Church Vestment Pattern
- Round Yoke Plain Hem Cotta Pattern | Church Vestment Sewing Pattern
- Grape and Wheat Cross Gold Iron On Applique
- Au Ver A Soie - Soie 100/3 Colors 721 to NOIR
- Au Ver A Soie - Soie 100/3 Silk Thread Colors 523 to 718
- IHS and Grapes Lace Edging Trim | Religious Lace for Curch Vestments
- Strawberry Bees Wax
- Silk Facette Gimp Goldwork Thread | Goldwork Embroidery Thread
- Silk Wrapped Pearl Purl Size 4 Goldwork Thread | Goldwork Embroidery Thread
- Flatworm Gilt Goldwork Embroidery Thread | Goldwork Embroidery Thread
- The Word Became Flesh Christmas Banner | White Church Banners
- Gilt Jaceron Goldwork Thread | Goldwork Embroidery Thread
- Large Back Goldwork Thread | Gold Thread for Hand Embroidery
- Living Water Cycle RETURN Giclée Print | Edward Riojas Artist
- Living Water Cycle RESURRECTION Giclée Print | Edward Riojas Artist
- Living Water Cycle NATIVITY Giclée Print | Edward Riojas Artist
- Living Water Cycle CALLING Giclée Print | Edward Riojas Artist
- Living Water Cycle BAPTISM Giclée Print | Edward Riojas Artist
- Living Water Cycle LORD'S SUPPER Giclée Print | Edward Riojas Artist
- Living Water Cycle FEET WASHING Giclée Print | Edward Riojas Artist
- Living Water Cycle CRUCIFIXION Giclée Print | Edward Riojas Artist
- DEAR CHRISTIAN WORKS VERTICAL Giclée Print | Edward Riojas Artist
- DEAR CHRISTIANS WORKS SPREAD Giclée Print | Edward Riojas Artist
- DEAR CHRISTIAN TITLE PAGE Giclée Print | Edward Riojas Artist
- DEAR CHRISTIAN SALVATION VERTICAL Giclée Print | Edward Riojas Artist
- DEAR CHRISTIANS SALVATION SPREAD Giclée Print | Edward Riojas Artist
- DEAR CHRISTIANS PROCESSION SPREAD Giclée Print | Edward Riojas Artist
- DEAR CHRISTIANS NATIVITY VERTICAL Giclée Print | Edward Riojas Artist
- DEAR CHRISTIANS NATIVITY SPREAD Giclée Print | Edward Riojas Artist
- DEAR CHRISTIANS EUCHARIST VERTICAL Giclée Print | Edward Riojas Artist
- DEAR CHRISTIANS EUCHARIST SPREAD Giclée Print | Edward Riojas Artist
- DEAR CHRISTIANS EASTER VERTICAL Giclée Print | Edward Riojas Artist
- DEAR CHRISTIANS EASTER SPREAD Giclée Print | Edward Riojas Artist
- DEAR CHRISTIANS CROWN VERTICAL Giclée Print | Edward Riojas Artist
- DEAR CHRISTIANS CROWN SPREAD Giclée Print | Edward Riojas Artist
- DEAR CHRISTIANS CHALICE SPREAD Giclée Print | Edward Riojas Artist
- DEAR CHRISTIANS CHALICE VERTICAL Giclée Print | Edward Riojas Artist
- DEAR CHRISTIANS BOUND VERTICAL Giclée Print | Edward Riojas Artist
- DEAR CHRISTIANS BOUND SPREAD Giclée Print | Edward Riojas Artist
- DEAR CHRISTIANS ASCENSION VERTICAL Giclée Print | Edward Riojas Artist
- DEAR CHRISTIANS ASCENSION SPREAD Giclée Print | Edward Riojas Artist
- Zion Altarpiece CRUCIFIXION Giclée Print | Edward Riojas Artist
- Zion Altarpiece EASTER OPENED Giclée Print | Edward Riojas Artist
- Zion Altarpiece EASTER Giclée Print | Edward Riojas Artist
- Zion Altarpiece CRUCIFIXION ANGELS Giclée Print | Edward Riojas Artist
- Zion Altarpiece HOLY WEEK Giclée Print | Edward Riojas Artist
- ALL SAINTS NATIVITY Giclée Print | Edward Riojas Artist
- ALL SAINTS RESURRECTION Giclée Print | Edward Riojas Artist
- Au Ver A Soie - Soie 100/3 Silk Thread Colors 241 to 519
- ARK of THE CHURCH Giclée Print | Edward Riojas Artist
- LAW and GOSPEL Giclée | Edward Riojas Artist
- TWO MEN Giclée Print | Edward Riojas Artist
- New Builder
- New Combo
- New Combo
- THE HYMNWRITER Giclée Print | Edward Riojas Artist
- Paul Gerhardt Giclée Print: Iconic Reformation Figure | Edward Riojas Artist
- Advent Violet Tau Pastor Priest Chasuble | Violet Advent Priest Chasuble
- O Immanuel Pulpit Lectern Hanging | Great O'Antiphon Collection
- SPALATIN Giclée Print: Iconic Reformation Figure | Edward Riojas Artist
- MELANCHTHON Giclée Print: Iconic Reformation Figure | Edward Riojas Artist
- LUCAS CRANACH Giclée Print: Iconic Reformation Figure | Edward Riojas Artist
- JUSTUS JONAS Giclée Print: Iconic Reformation Figure | Edward Riojas Artist
- FREDERICK THE WISE Giclée Print: Iconic Reformation Figure | Edward Riojas Artist
- Ivory Trinity Symbol Pulpit Lectern Fall Fleur Rose | Ivory Fleur Rose
- BUGENHAGEN Giclée Print: Iconic Reformation Figure | Edward Riojas Artist
- Gold Lectern Cover Open End Hanger | Altar Cloth Hanger 22" Open End Hanger
- Pulpit Lectern Quilt Hanger | Heavy Weight Hanger for Church Vestments
- Colored Passing Thread No.13 Colors | Goldwork Embroidery
- Advent Tau Cross Messianic Rose Pulpit Lectern Fall | Advent Tau Pulpit Fall
- Advent Candles Pulpit Lectern Fall | Advent Tau Collection Pulpit Fall
- Advent Lent Ecce Agns Dei Camel Hair Pulpit Fall | Violet Blue Puplit Fall
- Ivory Alpha Omega Quatrefoil Pulpit Lectern Fall Fleur Rose | Ivory Fleur Rose
- Ivory Fleur de Lis Pulpit Lectern Fall Fleur Rose | Fleur Rose Altar Hangings
- Ivory IHS Pulpit Lectern Fall Fleur Rose | Ivory Fleur Rose Collection
- Ivory Holy Holy Holy Superfrontal | Ivory Holy Altar Cloth Superfrontal
- White Cross Processional Banner | White Processional Banner
- Green St. Peter Pulpit Lectern Fall | Trinity Apostle St. Peter Altar Hanging
- Green St. Jude Pulpit Lectern Fall | Trinity Apostle St. Jude Altar Hanging
- Green Chi Rho Apostle Collection Burse or Chalice Veil | Trinity Green Burse
- Green Apostle Chasuble for Pastors | Pastor Priest Green Chasuble
- Green Cross Pulpit Fall Apostle Collection | Green Trinityr Pulpit Lectern Fall
- Green Chalice Veil Christ Image | Trinity Green Chalice Veil Christ Image
- Apostle Banner Green Trinity Season | Green Banners Trinity Season
- Green Trinity Creed Pulpit Lectern Fall | Trinity Green Altar Hanging Fall
- Green Apostles Chi Rho Cross Tall Pulpit Lectern Fall | Green Trinity Pulpit Fall
- Green Apostle Collection Christ Pulpit Fall | Green Trinity Collection
- Green Chi Rho Lectern Pulpit Fall | Apostle Collection Green Fall Trinity
- Green Apostles Pulpit Fall | Green Pulpit Lectern Fall Trinity Season
- Green Apostle Antependium Altar Hanging | Green Altar Hanging
- Old English Bell Sleeve Surplice Sewing Pattern | Style 4029 & 4030 Surplice
- Gothic Chasuble Pattern Round Yoke Column Orphrey | Style 3003 Gothic Chasuble
- Monastic Chasuble Sewing Patterrn Y Orphrey | Style 3005 Monastic Chauble Pattern
- Column Orphrey Monastic Chasuble Sewing Pattern | Style 3006 Monastic Priest Chasuble Pattern
- Round Yoke Monastic Chasuble Sewing Pattern | Style 3007 Monastic Chasuble Pattern
- English Rose Gaudete Laetare Pastor Priest Stole |Rose Pastor Priest Stole
- Rose Cross Crown Gaudete Laetare Pastor Priest Stole | Rose Pastor Stole
- Cope Hanger for Church Vestments | Shaped Arch Cope Hanger
- Red Pastor Stole Chalice Shell Sacraments Stole | Red Pastor Priest Stole
- Black Gold Brocade Priest Stole | Black Gold Lent Priest Pastor Stole
- Green Pastor Priest Stole Grapes Chalice Design | Green Trinity Stole
- Green IHS Simple Spray Superfrontal | Green Trinity Altar Hanging
- Green Superfrontal IHS Spray Center | Green Trinity Altar Hanging
- Green Superfrontal Chi Rho Center Wheat Grapes Embroidery| Trinity Altar Hangings
- Green Superfrotnal Grapes Ribbon Design | Green Trinity Superfrontal
- Chalice and Host Embroidery Green Chalice Veil | Trinity Green Chalice Veil
- Chi Rho IHS Wheat Embroidery Chalice Veil or Burse | Trinity Green Burse or Veil
- Chi Rho IHS Cross Grape Wheat Spray Embroidery Green Chalice Veil
- Chi Rho IHS Green Chalice Veil or Burse | Green Trinity Chalice Veil or Burse
- IHS Grapes Embroidered Green Pulpit Fall | Green Trinity Pulpit Fall
- Chalice Embroidered Green Pulpit Fall | Green Trinity Pulipit Fall
- Green Chi Rho IHS Pulpit Lectern Fall | Green Altar Hanging Trinity Season
- Green Pulpit Fall Grape Drop Wheat Vine Swirl Design | Green Trinity Fall
- Green Silk Damask Burse | Green Tapestry Accent Burse
- Green Silk Damask Chalice Veil | Green Tapestry Accent Chalice Veil
- Green Silk Damaks Pulpit Lectern Fall | Green Tapestry Accent Fall
- Green Altar Frontal Silk Damask Tapestry Orphrey Bands | Green Altar Hanging
- Green Silk Damask and Tapestry Priest Stole | Green Priest stole Tapestry Accents
- Green Silk Damask Chasuble Tapestry Accents | Silk and Tapestry Chasuble
- Green Chasuble IHS and Grape Quatrefoil Design | Green Pastor Chasuble
- Green Priest Chasuble in Winchester Brocade |Brocade Tapestry Chasuble
- Rose Brocade Sample Cut Length | Liturgical Religious Brocade
- Tudor Rose Domestic Brocade Sample Cuts | Religious Brocade Fabric
- Green Pastor Stole Grapes and Grain Collections | Green Trinity Pastor Stole
- Green Grapes Grain Pulpit Fall | Green Trinity Ordinary Times Fall
- Word Sacrament Dove Pentecost Stole | Red Pastor Priest Pentecost Stole
- Red Gold Silk Dupioni Pentecost Stole | Red Pastor Priest Stole
- Agnus Dei Ceramic Ornament
- Agnus Dei Glass Ornament Gift
- Beer Stein Mug Luther Rose Reformation Christian Pastor Gift Lutheran Youth Group
- Gold Twist 2mm Cord | Gold Twist Couching Embroidery Cord
- VDMA Glass Ornament Gift
- Latin Mass Tapered Stole Maniple Pattern | Priest Stole Pattern Style 1040
- Priest Long Spade End Stole and Maniple Sewing Pattern | Stole Pattern Style 1023
- Priest Latin Mass V-Orphrey Stole Maniple Pattern | Clergy Stole Pattern Style 1020
- Immaculate Conception Goldwork Religious Applique | Church Vestment Applique
- IHS White Christmas Pulpit Ambo Hanging | Easter IHS Pulpit Fall
- Cross Crown White Pulpit Hanging | Christmas Easter Altar Hangings
- White Chi Rho Dayspring Pulpit Fall | Christmas Easter White Pulpit Hanging
- Latin Flourish Cross White Pulpit Fall |White and Gold Pulpit Hanging
- Violet Lent Pulpit Fall Thistle and Thorn Design | Lent Altar Hangings
- Lent Chalice Veil or Burse with Crown of Thorn and Swirl | Lent Vestments
- Lent Cross with Thorn Wreath Burse or Chalice Veil | Lent Burse and Veil
- Chalice Veil or Burse with Chi Rho, Thistle, & Swirl Embroidery | Violet Lent
- Thistle and Thorns Lent Chalice Veil or Burse | Lent Burse or Veil
- Trinity Symbol Goldwork Applique | Religious Appliques for Vestments
- Shaped Cross Roman Chasuble Sewing Pattern | Latin Mass Chasuble Style 3014
- Te Deum You Sit at the Right Hand of God in the Glory of the Father Canvas Print
- Tau Cross Rose Quatrafoil Artwork Canvas Print
- Te Deum Madonna and Child Artwork Canvas Print
- White Gold Chalice Veil or Burse |
- Gold Mellor Stiletto for Goldwork Hand Embroidery | Embroidery Tools
- Sanctified Hand of God Ship Banner | Green Church Banner
- Linen Cross Fleur De Lis IHC Digital Embroidery | Linen Machine Embroidery
- Sanctified Agnus Dei Superfrontal Green | Church Vestment Altar Hanging
- Sanctified Budded Cross Trinity Banner | Green Church Banner
- Sanctified Budded Cross Serpent Banner Design | Church Banner
- Sanctified Budded Cross Vines Altar Superfrontal | Green Altar Hangings
- Trinity Triangle Circle Burse or Chalice Veil | Green Altar Hangings
- Tree of Life Burse or Chalice Veil Green | Burse Chalice Veil Church Vestments
- Lent Thistle Thorn Lattice Pastor Stole | Violet Clergy Priest Stole
- Trinity Sanctified Superfrontal Green Altar Hanging | Trinity Altar Hangings
- Sanctified Antependium Trinity Budded Cross | Trinity Green Altar Hangings
- Budded Cross Sanctified Lectern Fall | Trinity Altar Hangings
- Trinity Sanctified Pulpit Fall Budded Cross | Green Altar Hangings
- Sanctified Budded Cross Serpent Pulpit Fall | Green Altar Hangings
- Sanctified Budded Cross Living Water Pulpit Fall | Green Altar Hangings
- Hand Knotted Cincture Fringe | Priest Cincture Fringe
- Christian Fish Ichthus Machine Embroidery | Religious Embroidery Design
- Christian Fish Symbol Cross Digital Embroidery | Liturgical Embroidery Design
- St. Paul Apostle Symbol Shield Embroidery | Digital Embroidery Design
- Fish and Loaves Large Digital Embroidery | Fish Machine Embroidery
- Loaves and Fish Digital Embroidery | Fish Digital Embroidery Design
- Rosebud Spray Floral Digital Embroidery | Digital Machine Embroidery
- IHC Star Christmas Embroidery Design | Star Digital Machine Embroidery
- Anchor Cross Style 2 Digital Embroidery | Religious Embroidery Design
- Trinity Circles in Triangle Embroidery File | Digital Machine Embroidery
- Trinity Double Triangle Circle Embroidery | Digital Embroidery Design
- Double Star Digital Embroidery Design | Star Machine Embroidery Design
- Blue Stained Glass Cross Embroidery | Cross Digital Machine Embroidery
- SG Cross Light GoldDigital Embroidery | Cross Machine Embroidery
- Trinity Triangle Digital Design | Digital Embroidery Trinity Symbol
- Anchor Design Style 1 Digital Embroidery |Machine Religious Embroidery
- Stylized Baptism Shell Religious Embroidery | Digital Machine Embroidery
- IHS Laurel Digital Embroidery Design | Digital Machine Embroidery
- Cross Leaf 5 Inch Digital Embroidery Design | Religious Machine Embroidery
- Fleur De Lis Tall Digital Embroidery | Religious Embroidery Design
- Old Gold Antique Gold Twist | Goldwork Embroidery Thread
- Fleur De Lis Cross Digital Embroidery Design | Religious Embroidery
- Green Cross Leaf Digital Embroidery Design | Cross Digital Design
- Large Oh Holy Night Digital Embroidery | Machine Embroidery Design
- Oh Holy Night Digital Design | Christmas Embroidery Design
- Christmas Star Swirls Digital Design | Digital Embroidery Design
- Easter Cross Ring Large Embroidery | Large Easter Design
- Easter Cross Digital Machine Embroidery | Digital Embroidery Cross Design
- Hammer Pliers Lent Digital Design | Lent Digital Machine Embroidery
- Warham Guild Chasuble Pattern | Chasuble Sewing Pattern Style 3022
- Pall Inserts Plexi glass 7 inches | Communion Pall Insert
- Choir Graduation Stole Sewing Pattern | Style 1012
- Maria Regina Crown Stars Digital Design | Machine Embroidery
- Blessed Virgin Mary Digital Embroidery | Machine Stitch File
- Advent Candle Religious Machine Embroidery | Digital Embroidery Design
- IHS Altar Linen Bold Design | Digital Machine Embroidery Design
- Marian Design 2A Digital Machine Embroidery | Digital Design
- Marian Lace Border Digital Design | Machine Embroidery Marian Design
- Marian Religious Digital Machine Embroidery | Digital Embroidery File
- Aitar Hanging Ivory Tapestery Frontal | Ivory Altar Hanging
- Full Tapestry Superfrontal Altar Hanging | Church Vestment
- Ivory Tapestry Superfrontal |Church Vestment Altar Hanging
- Ivory Tapestry Burse | Ivory Festival Church Vestment Set
- Ivory Altar Frontal WIth Tapestry Superfrontal | Altar Hangings
- Ivory Priest Tapestry Chasuble | Festival Priest Chasuble Ivory and Tapestry
- Ivory Tapestry Chalice Veil | Ivory Chalice Veil Festival Altar Hangings
- Ivory Tapestry Pulit Lectern Fall | Festival Altar Hanging Set
- Altar Hanging Ivory Tapestry | Altar Frontal Superfrontal
- Scapular Choir or Monastic Sewing Pattern | Clergy Stole Pattern 7010
- Cathedral Round Yoke Choir Cotta | Church Vestment Sewing Pattern
- Advent Star Digital Machine Embroidery | Star Embroidery Design
- Violet Lent Crown Thorns Cross Tapered Stole | Lent Priest Stole
- Transitional Deacon Priest Stole Pattern |Transitional Deacon Style 1015
- White Alpha Omega Agnus Dei Stole | White Pastor Priest Stole
- Scarlet Cross Priest Stole Passion | Oxblood Lent Priest Stole
- White Easter Lilies Priest Stole | Easter Pastor Stole White
- Warham Guild Priest Stole Pattern | Warham Guild Stole Style 1010
- Green Trinity Catechesis Pastor Stole | Green Pastor Priest Stole
- Green IHS Budded Cross Stole | Green Pastor Priest Trinity Stole
- Green Angels Demons Stole | Green Pastor Priest Stole
- Violet IHS Lent Altar Hanging | Crown of Thorns Collection
- Crown of Thorns Lent Bible Marker | Crown of Thorns Collection
- Lent IHS Crown of Thorns Pulpit Fall | Crown of Thorns Collection
- Lent Superfrontal Altar Hanging | Crown of Thorns Collection
- Cross Palms Lent Altar Hanging | Crown of Thorns Collection
- Lent Nails Crown Thorns Altar Hanging | Crown of Thorns Collection
- Advent Banner O Emmanuel | Blue or Violet Advent Banner
- Historic Dress of the Clergy by Rev. Geo. S Tyack, B.A. | Historic Dress Clergy
- Agnus Dei Religious Machine Embroidery File
- Pentecost Red Superfrontal | Dove Pentecost Altar Hanging
- Pentecost Dove Red Superfrontal |Red Pentecost Superfrontal
- Red Pentecost Altar Hanging | Flames Pentecost Altar Hanging
- Pentecost Dove Descending Flames | Pentecost Altar Hanging
- Red Pentecost Pulpit Fall Dove Flames | Pentecost Altar Hangings
- Violet Crown of Thorns Pulpit Hanging | Lent Passion Collection
- Violet Lent INRI Superfrontal | Lent Passion Collection
- Violet Cross Bible Marker Hanging | Lent Passion Collection
- Violet Spear Thorns Pulpit Hanging | Lent Passion Collection
- Violet Lent Lamb Pulpit Hanging | Lent Passion Collection
- Violet Lent Agnus Dei Superfrontal | Lent Passion Collection
- Violet Lent Altar Frontal | Lent Passion Collection
- Violet Chalice Veil | Lent Passion Collection Chalice Veil
- Sacred Heart Jesus Goldwork Applique | Church Vestment Appliques
- Sacred Heart Christ Goldwork Applique | Church Vestment Applique
- Pentecost Goldwork Applique | Church Vestment Goldwork Applique
- Red or Ivory Rose and Vine Priest Stole Festival Pastor Priest Stole
- White Bible Marker Cross Altar Hanging | White Altar Hangings
- White Pulpit Fall Chi Rho | Dayspring Collection Pulpit Fall
- Silk Matka Fabric | Silk Fabric
- Black Pastor Priest Stole Brocade | Black Gold Cross Pastor Priest Stole
- Messianic Rose Advent Stole | Advent Pastor Priest Stole
- Pomegranate Cross Digital Embroidery Design | Religious Embroidery
- White Clergy Stole | Christmas Rose Easter Collection Style #5
- White Pastor or Priest Stole | White Dayspring IHC Monogram Festival Stole
- Advent Tau Cross Candles Stole | Blue or Violet Advent Pastor Priest Stole
- Messianic Rose Manger Stole | Blue or Violet Advent Pastor Priest Stole
- Advent Star Stole | Blue or Violet Advent Pastor Priest Stole
- Ecce Agnus Dei Advent Pastor Priest Stole | Blue or Violet Stole
- White Pomegranate Chalice Veil or Burse | Dayspring Chalice Veil or Burse
- White Clergy Stoles | Christmas Rose Easter Collection Style #4
- White Clergy Stoles | Christmas Rose Easter Collection Stole Style #2
- Rose Banners for Advent and Lent | Gaudete Laetare Banners
- Silk Damask Priest Stoles | Seasonal Colors Priest Stoles
- O Wisdom Advent Stole | Violet Blue Pastor Priest Advent Stole
- Stole Styles in the Saint Ambrose Ecclesiastical Collection Lent
- Stole Styles in the Saint Ambrose Ecclesiastical Collection Advent
- Violet Lent Silk Dupioni Stole | Isidore of Seville Advent Priest Stole
- Violet Saint Alban Violet Stole | Advent Lent Pastor Priest Stole
- Twill Tape Heavy Weight 1.5" Wide | Hand Embroidery
- Tropical Wool Blend Solid Fabric | Cassock Monastic Habit Fabric
- Small Altar Linen Sewing Pattern | Sewing Pattern Style 6011 Small Altar Linens
- Altar Server Cotta Pattern with Lace | Church Vestment Sewing Pattern
- Ivory Chi Rho VDMA Stole | Pastor Priest Ivory Stole
- Epiphany Christmas Stole | Pastor Priest White Stole
- Dayspring IHS Flourish Clergy Stole | Pastor Priest White Stole Festival
- Pugin Agnus Dei Pastor Priest Stole | Crown Clergy Stole
- Saint Alban Violet Stole | Lent Pastor Priest Stole
- Reformation Rose Lutheran Stole | Red Pastor Priest Stole VDMA
- IHC Lattice Lent Stole | Lent Pastor Priest Stole
- Eleison Lattice Priest Stole in Black | Black Pastor Priest Stole
- Custom Violet Double Crown Altar Fall
- Custom White Pomegranate Altar Fall
- Custom Green Altar Fall
- Trinity Circles Embroidery | Religious Digital Machine Embroidery File
- Circle and Cross Altar Linen Design | Machine Embroidery File
- Cross with Rays Lattice Fill | Altar Linen Machine Embroidery Design
- Jerusalem Cross 5V | Cross Religious Machine Embroidery File
- Jerusalem Cross Bold | Cross Religious Machine Embroidery File
- Tau Cross Embossed | Religious Machine Digital Embroidery Design
- Red Words of Institution Chalice Veil or Burse
- First Pentecost Pulpit Hanging | Red Ambo Pulpit Fall
- Holy Ghost Creator Superfrontal | Pentecost Altar Hangings
- Holy Ghost Creator Blest Altar Frontal | Pentecost Altar Hangings
- Dove Pentecost Red Stole | Red Pentecost Pastor and Priest Stoles
- Pentecost Trinity Superfontal | Red Festival Altar Hangings
- Kyrie Eleison Scarlet Stole | Holy Week Martyr Priest Stoles
- Sacraments Chalice Shell Pastor Stole | Green Pastor Priest Stoles
- Venetian Tapestry Liturgical Brocade
- Fleur Rose Liturgical Brocade Fabric
- Lacing String for Slate Frames | Hand Embroidery Supplies
- Bracing Needle | Slate Frame Embroidery Supplies
- Linen Purificator | Altar Linens for Communion
- Morse Clasp Shell Detail | Priest Copes Clasp Church Vestments
- Morse Clasp Cross Scallop Style ES2 | Priest Copes Clasp Church Vestments
- Portsmouth Poplin | Plain Weave Solid Fabric
- Green Pastor Stole Shell and Cross | Green Priest stole Baptism
- Green Pastor Chasuble Watermarked Collection | Green Gothic Chasuble
- Chalice Host Green Priest Chasuble | Trinity Green Pastor Chasuble
- Pentecost Dove Deacon Stole
- Latin Mass Dalmatic Pattern | Church Vestment Sewing Pattern
- Pentecost Bible Dove Digital File | Machine Embroidery Design
- Silver Metallic Patee Cross Appliques | Iron On Backing Cross
- Silver Metallic Cross Appliques | Iron On Backing Cross
- Dove Pentecost Pastor Stole | Red Pentecost Pastor Priest Stole
- Patee Cross Rose Gold Metallic Appliques | Iron On Cross
- Patee Cross White Gold Metallic Appliques | Iron On Cross
- Patee Cross Bright Gold Metallic Appliques | Iron On Backing Cross
- Rose Gold Metallic Cross Appliques | Iron On Backing Cross
- Soft Gold Metallic Cross Appliques | Iron On Cross
- Chasuble Cope Hanger | Church Vestment Hanger
- Vestment Hanger | Church Vestment hanger
- Square Yoke Cotta Pattern | Church Vestment Sewing Pattern
- Pentecost Dove Bible Design |Digital Machine Embroidery Design
- Matte Satin | Liturgical Religious Fabrics
- Velveteen Flocked | Liturgical Religious Dress Fabrics
- INRI Inscription Lent Design | Digital Machine Embroidery Design
- Grape Cluster Embroidery | Digital Machine Embroidery Design
- Grape Vine Altar Linen | Machine Embroidery Digital Design
- Swatch Remnant Collection | Assorted Fabric Remnants
- Semi-Gothic Cross Back Chasuble Pattern | Chasuble Sewing Pattern Style 3008
- Cotton Sateen
- Fleury Brocade | Liturgical Religious Brocade Fabric
- Advent Blue Pastor Stole | Catechesis Alpha Omega Pastor Stole
- Burse Vestment Pattern | Church Vestment Sewing Pattern
- Traditonal Latin Mass Spade End Stole Short | Stole Pattern Style 1030
- Latin Mass Stole Maniple Pattern | Latin Mass Sewing Pattern Style 1035
- Martin Luther Liturgical Art Print | Edward Riojas Artist
- Calming of the Storm Liturgical Art Print | Edward Riojas Artist
- Parable of the Sower Liturgical Art Print | Edward Riojas Artist
- Sower of the Seminary Liturgical Art Print | Edward Riojas Artist
- King of Kings | Edward Riojas Artist
- The Redemption | Edward Riojas Artist
- O That My Words Were Written | Edward Riojas Artist
- Katharina von Bora | Edward Riojas Artist
- Feste Burg (Mighty Fortress) | Edward Riojas Artist
- Emmanuel Altarpiece Liturgical Art Print | Edward Riojas Artist
- God's Own Child Artwork Print | Giclée Print by Edward Riojas Artist
- The Axe is Laid at the Root of the Tree | Edward Riojas Artwork Print
- Adoremus Artowrk Print | Edward Riojas Artist Prints
- Adoration of the Lamb Liturgical Art Print | Edward Riojas Artist
- Goldwork Threads | Japan Thread
- Goldwork Thread | Gold Wire Thread Ecclesiastical Sewing
- Goldwork Thread | 371 Wire Goldwork Thread Ecclesiastical Sewing
- Gilt Grecian Twist Thread Eccelsiastical Sewing | Goldwork Threads
- Coventry Rose Gaudete and Laetare Rose Pastor Priest Stole
- Rose Stole Gaudete Bishop Cyprian Stole | Rose Laetare Pastor Priest Stole
- Ancient Use of Liturgical Colours by C.C. Rolfe | Reprint Historical Resource
- Cross Thorn Digital Embroidery Design | Lent Design
- Crown Thorn Nails Digital Embroidery Design
- Clergy Stole Style #2 in the Saint Gregory Green
- Blue Advent Stole | Fidelis Blue Advent Priest Stole
- Latin Iron On Crosses | Religious Appliques
- Gilt Wire Check Purls | Goldwork Threads
- Venite Edward Riojas Print |Liturgical Art Print
- St. Michael Contending by Edward Riojas | Liturgical Art Print
- Baptismal Triptych Edward Riojas | Liturgical Art Prints
- The Great Shepherd Ed Riojas | Liturgical Art Prints
- The Six Chief Parts Edward Riojas | Liturgical Art Print
- The Prodigal Son Edward Riojas | Liturgical Art Print
- Parables of the Vineyard Riojas | Liturgical Art Print
- Parable of the Buried Treasure | Riojas Art Print
- Madonna and Child Riojas Print | Liturgical Art Print
- Resurrection Ed Riojas Print | Liturgical Artwork Print
- Ecce Homo Ed Riojas Print | Liturgical Artwork Print
- Crucifixion Ed Riojas Print | Liturgical Artwork Print
- Gospel Crucifix Ed Riojas Print | Liturgical Artwork Print
- Crucifix Edward Riojas Print | Liturgical Artwork Print
- Pentecost VDMA Altar Hanging | Pentecost Altar Hangings
- Dove with Nimbus Altar Hanging | Pentecost Altar Hangings
- Pentecost Chalice Veil | Pentecost Chalice Veil
- Pentecost Stole Red with Dove | Pastor Priest Stoles Pentecost
- White Chi Rho Processional Banner | White Processional Banner
- Laetare Gaudete Rose Stole | Rose Laetare Silk Dupioni Priest Stole
- Ordination Anniversary Certificate | Pastoral Certificate
- Ordination Certificate Pastor | Ordination Gifts
- Baptismal Certificate | Liturgical Art and Gifts
- Precious Giclée Print | Artwork Prints by Edward Riojas
- Precious Cards | Sympathy Cards Gifts
- Martin Luther's Sacristy Prayer | Liturgical Artwork Print
- Urn Pall Sewing Pattern for Cremens Funeral Urn Pall Church Vestments
- E-Gift Card
- Marian Spray Design Church Vestments Religious Embroidery
- Maria Regina Digital Machine Embrodiery Design for Church Vestments
- Trinity Sans Center Religious Embroidery Design | Digital Embroidery
- Wheat Accent Digital Embroidery | Machine Embroidery Design
- Jerusalem Cross #2 Church Vestment Embroidery Design | Digital Design
- Stainglass Cross with Flower Machine Embroidery for Altar Hangings
- Fleur Cross Floral Accent Digital Design | Religions Embroidery Design
- Altar Linen IHC Quatrefoil Monogram Machine Embroidery Design
- IHC Goldwork Monogram Church Altar Hangings Digital Embroidery
- IHC Monogram Altar Linen Machine Embroidery Design
- Latin Scroll Cross Altar Linen Design Machine Embroidery
- IHC Small Altar Linen Machine Embroidery Design
- Dayspring Cross Pastor or Priest Vestment Machine Embroidery
- Dayspring Aldpha Omega Church Vestment Machine Embroidery Designs
- Dayspring Starburst Design Collection Machine Embroidery
- Dayspring Superfrontal Machine Embroidery Design
- Dayspring AO Chalice Veil Machine Embroidery Design
- Dayspring Burse Machine Embroidery Design
- Jerusalem Cross 1 for Pastor Priest Vestments Machine Embroidery
- Christmas Star Machine Embroidery Design for Pastor Priest Vestments
- Easter Cross Machine Embroidery Design
- Gold Red Cross Machine Embroidery | Religious Embroidery Design
- Ecclesiastical Sewing fabric and trim catalog 2020 (digital download)
- Antique Grape Braid Narrow Metallic Braid ½"
- Agnus Dei Lamb of God Gold Iron On Applique
- IHS Monogram with Oval Goldwork Applique
- Chi Rho Alpha Omega Applique
- Immaculate Heart of Mary Goldwork Applique for Church Vestments
- Our Lady of Lourdes Applique | Goldwork Applique for Church Vestments
- Crucifix and Apostles Goldwork Applique | Church Vestment Applique
- The First Pentecost Design Applique
- Rayon Girdles or Cinctures Heavyweight | Priest Vestments
- Gilt Smooth Passing Goldwork Hand Embroidery Thread
- Cope Hood Buttons and Rings Pastor of Priest Cope
- I am the Vine Superfrontal Altar Hangings For Trinity Season
- Morse Clasp with Fluer de lis Design for Priest Copes and Church Vestments
- Morse Clasp | Filigree Cross Design for Priest Copes and Church Vestments
- Crown of Thorns and Nail Digital Embroidery File for Lent
- Ecclesiastical Embroidery Design Book by Ecclesiastical Sewing
- Starburst IHS Monogram Embroidery | Digital Embroidery Design
- Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam Jesuit Cross-Religious Machine Embroidery File
- Chi Rho with Palms Church Embroidery Design File for Lent and Palm Sunday
- Palm Chi Rho Oval Church Embroidery Design for Palm Sunday & Lent
- Clergy Stole | Luther Rose | in Seasonal Liturgical Colors for Pastors and Priests
- White Clergy Stoles | Christmas Rose Easter Collection Style #3
- White Clergy Stole | Christmas Rose Easter Collection Style #1
- Green Clergy Stole | Trinity Ordinary Times I am the Vine Collection
- I am the Vine Chi Rho and Grapes Altar Hanging for Pulpit and Lectern
- Cathedral Cope and Stole Fairford Golds | Priest Gold Cope
- Dayspring Chalice Veil or Burse Collection | Dayspring Collection
- Dayspring Pomegranate Altar Superfrontal
- Silk Organza Fabric
- French Micro Twill Fabric for Underlining Chasubles
- Dowlas Linen for Interfacing Church Vestments, Pastor and Priest Stoles
- Dowlas Linen
- Pentcost Dove and Bible Red Pulpit and Lectern Hanging
- Lent Stole Gloria Advent | Palm Branch and Cross for Pastors Priest
- Burse Vestment Altar Hanging from the Gloria Advent or Lent Collection
- Gloria Advent or Lent Chalice Veil Church Vestment
- Gloria Advent and Lent Altar Superfrontal
- Violet Pastor or Priest Palm Stole | Gloria Advent or Lent Collection
- Priest Chasuble Vestment from the Gloria Advent or Lent Collection
- Apostle Collection Full Frontal Altar Hanging - The 12 Apostle's Symbols
- Apostle's Collection Superfrontal Altar Hanging
- Clergy Stole for Pastors or Priests | The 12 Apostle's
- Cotton Canvas Medium Weight for Stoles
- White Pastor or Priest Stole | White Stole with Chi Rho Goldwork Collection
- Chalice Veil Trinity Goldwork Collection
- Green Trinity Pastor Priest Stole | Trinity Bible Pastor Priest Stole
- Lent Altar Hanging INRI Design | Crown of Thorns Lent Collection
- Lent Chalice Veil | Crown of Thorns Lent Collection
- Pastor or Priest Stole | Crown of Thorns Lent Stole
- Crown of Thorns Lent Altar Scarf, Pulpit and Lectern Fall
- Dayspring Christmas and Easter Banners for Churches
- White Clergy Stole Pomegranate Design | Priest Pastor Dayspring IHS Vestments
- Chalice Veil Bethlehem Star Advent Collection
- Bethlehem Star Advent Altar Scarf, Pulpit and Lectern Fall
- White Pastor or Priest Stole | White Dayspring Chi Rho AO Clergy Stole
- Advent Pastor or Priest Stole for Clergy | Rex Gentium in Blue or Violet
- Ecce Agnus Dei Staff Violet Priest Stole | Advent Lent Pastor Stole
- Advent Superfrontal Blue or Violet | Advent Ecce Collection
- Altar Superfrontal in the Great O'Antiphon Collection
- Advent Altar Decorations from the Great O'Antiphon Collection
- Altar Hangings Collection for Advent - Ecce Collection
- English Church Needlework by Maud Hall | Reprint of Historic Resource
- Agnus Dei Goldwork Applique for Liturgical Vestments and Chasubles
- Lace Edging and Insertion Lace for Surplices & Rochets
- Wire Check Purl #5 - Metallic Embroidery & Goldwork Thread
- Gilt Lizardine Goldwork Metallic Embroidery Threads | Lizerine Goldwork
- Gilt Pearl Purl - Gold Hand Embroidery Threads & Goldwork
- Goldwork Metal Threads | Smooth Passing Thread #5
- Smooth Passing Thread with Silk Core Fine #4 | Goldwork Hand Embroidery Threads
- Tambour Embroidery Thread | Goldwork and Metal threads
- Clover Seam Ripper Sewing Notion
- Gilt Fine Rococo - Gold Embroidery Thread - Goldwork Threads
- Gilt Faconnee #6 Gold Embroidery Thread - Goldwork Threads
- Silk Embroidered Dove Applique for Church Vestments
- Dove Gold Embroidery Applique in Goldwork Bullion for Liturgical Vestments
- Roman or Square Yoke Surplice Pattern with Lace Hem | Knee or Full Length Styles
- Gold Embroidery Applique - Alpha Omega Chi Rho for Clergy Vestments
- Goldwork Cross Applique with Wheat and Grapes for Liturgical Vestments
- Dove with Circles Gold Applique for Clergy Vestments - Goldwork
- Chi Rho Bullion Gold Applique for Liturgical Vestments and Chasubles
- Latin Cross Appliques with Iron On Backing
- Au Ver A Soie - Soie 100/3 Silk Thread Colors 002 to 240
- Eglatine Rose Chasuble and Stole Set Pastor or Priest Church Vestments
- Traditional Alb Priest Sewing Pattern | Vintage Linen Alb Style 4050
- Urn Funeral Pall (QS)
- Exeter Long Clergy Stole | Pastoral or Priest Stoles
- Clergy Stole | Exeter Tapestry | for Pastors or Priests
- Handmade Clergy Stoles | Exeter Pastoral or Priest Stole Short Length
- Small Cross Appliques White with Iron On Backing
- Small Cross Appliques Red with Iron On Backing
- Small Cross Appliques Violet with Iron On Backing
- Small Cross Appliques Kelly Green with Iron On Backing
- Small Cross Appliques Gray with Iron On Backing
- Small Cross Appliques Burgundy with Iron On Backing
- Small Cross Appliques Bright Gold with Iron On Backing
- Small Cross Appliques Blue with Iron On Backing
- Small Cross Appliques Black with Iron On Backing
- Small Cross Appliques Forest Green with Iron On Backing
- Chasuble Pattern Latin Mass Chasuble Sewing Pattern | Style 3010
- 3012 Cross Back Roman Latin Mass Chasuble Sewing Pattern
- 3011 V-Neck Trim Roman Chasuble Sewing Pattern | Latin Mass Chasuble
- Dayspring Altar Hanging or Lectern Fall with Greek Molene Cross Superfrontal
- Dayspring IHC Ornate Pulpit Hanging - Altar & Church Paraments
- Dayspring Pomegranate Pulpit Hangings & Church Pulpit Falls
- White IHS Clergy Stole for Pastors or Priests | Dayspring IHS White Pastor Stole
- Pastor or Priest Stole | Saint Alban Black Silk Pastor Priest Stole
- Arts Of The Church by Alice Dryden | Reprint Classic Arts of the Church
- Lent Passion Stole | for Pastors, Priests and Deacons
- Green Trinity Pastor Stole | VDMA and Chalice Pastor Priest Stole
- Trinity Alpha Omega Pulpit Lectern Altar Hangnin
- Trinity Collection VDMA Pulpit and Lectern Hanging
- Trinity Goldwork Superfrontal Altar Hanging
- Sanctified Living Water Cross Antependium | Green Altar Hanging
- Sanctified Frontal with Attached Superfrontal Church Vestments
- Sanctified Collection Superfrontal Altar Hanging | Trinity Designs
- Green Sanctified Collection Chalice Veil or Burse | Church Vestments
- Sanctified Trinity Father Son Spirit Stole | Green Pastor Priest Stole
- Budded Cross Trinity Pastor Priest Stole | Green Stole Sanctified Collection
- Sanctified Good Shepherd Pulpit Fall | Trinity Green Altar Hanging
- Sanctified Gothic Monastic Chasuble | Trinity Season Pastor Chasuble
- Patee Cross - Grey Rayon Iron On Applique
- Patee Cross - Forest Green Rayon Iron On Applique
- Patee Cross - Burgundy Rayon Iron On Applique
- Patee Cross - Bright Gold Rayon Iron On Applique
- Patee Cross - Black Rayon Iron On Applique
- Patee Cross - Blue Rayon Iron On Applique
- Patee Cross - White Rayon Iron On Applique
- Patee Cross - Antique Gold Rayon Iron On Applique
- Lent Passion Collection Pulpit and Lectern Falls
- Goldwork Applique Pulpit Lectern Fall | Applique Altar Hangings
- Agnus Dei Goldwork Collection Superfrontal
- Dayspring Moline Cross White Pulpit Fall | White Altar Hangings
- Dayspring Chalice Veil or Burse with Gold Cross
- Dayspring IHS Pulpit, Lectern Fall and Antependium
- Dayspring Chi Rho White Pulpit Fall | Christmas Easter White Altar Hanging
- Dayspring Angel Superfrontal Altar Hanging
- Advent Stole | Priests, Pastors, Deacons in Blue or Violet
- City of David Clergy Stole | Pastoral or Priest Stoles
- Dayspring White Gold Priest Chasuble | Christmas Easter Priest Chasuble
- St. Michael Altar Frontal
- Coventry Priest Stole or Pastor Stole | Liturgical Vestments
- Cloister Altar Frontal or St. Aidan Altar Frontal with Orphrey Trim
- Te Deum Altar Frontal | Altar Antependium
- Advent Chalice Veil or Burse | Chi Rho Root of Jesse Advent Design
- City of David Pulpit and Lectern Falls
- City of David Great O'Antophon - Vestments & Chasubles for Advent
- City of David Superfrontal Advent Altar Frontal
- Lace Insert Roman Surplice Knee or Full Length | Square Yoke Surplice Pattern
- Carlisle Textured Solid Colored Liturgical Fabric
- Pastor and Priest Stoles | Regal Collection
- Clergy Stole | Ely Crown | Pastoral or Priest Stoles
- White Chalice Veil, Burse and Pall Altar Set
- Gilt Twist Gold Cords and Threads
- Morse Cross Shaped Clasp for Priest Copes
- Morse Clasp with Cross and Wreath Design | Priest Copes and Church Vestments
- Key of David--Religious Machine Embroidery File
- O' Emmanuel Ave Maria Religious Machine Embroidery File | Advent Design
- O'Emmanuel Advent Religious Embroidery Design | Advent Digital Design
- Clavis David Rondel Advent Religious Embroidery | Digital Embroidery
- Rex Gentium Rondel Advent Embroidery | Digital Machine Embroidery
- O'Oreins Rondel Advent Religious Machine Embroidery | Digital Embroidery
- Radix Jesse Rose Rondel Style #2--Religious Machine Embroidery File
- Radix Leaves Advent Style #2 Digital Embroidery | Religious Embroidery Design
- Radix Jesse Rose Rondel--Religious Machine Embroidery File
- Radix Jesse Leaves Rondel--Religious Machine Embroidery File
- O'Adonai Rondel Religious Machine Embroidery |Advent Digital Design
- O' Sapientia Advent O'Antiphon Digital Embroidery | Religious Embroider Design
- O' Emmanuel Ave Maria-Advent Embroidery Design | Digital Embroidery
- O' Emmanuel Flower Advent Embroidery Design | O'Antiphon Design
- Clavis David Key Religious Machine Embroidery |Digital Embroidery
- Rex Gentium Crown Digital Embroidery | Crown Machine Embroidery Design
- O'Oreins Advent O'Antiphon Digital Design | Machine Embroidery
- Radix Jesse Rose Advent Stump of Jesse Embroidery | Digital Design
- Radix Jesse Advent O'Antiphon Digital Design | Machine Embroidery
- Jerusalem Cross Religious Machine Embroidery File |Church Embroidery
- Canterbury Scroll Cross--Religious Machine Embroidery File
- Canterbury Cross Celtic--Religious Machine Embroidery File
- Canterbury Cross Religious Machine Embroidery | Digital Design
- Pugin Agnus Dei Vintage Religious Machine Embroidery File
- Office Of The Keys--Religious Machine Embroidery File
- Prayer Incense Machine Embroidery | Church Embroidery Design
- Ten Commandments Religious Machine Embroidery | Church Embroidery
- IHS Plaim Religious Machine Embroidery |Digital Embroidery Design
- IHS--Religious Machine Embroidery File
- Alpha Omega Embroidery Designs - Machine Embroidery File
- Deacon Dalmatic Pattern | Church Vestment Sewing Patterns
- Chalice and Host Design--Religious Machine Embroidery File
- Trinity Design Religious Machine Embroidery File | Digital Embroidery
- Baptism Shell Religious Embroidery Design File | Digital Embroidery
- O'Adonia Burning Bush Digital Machine Embroidery Design
- Patee Cross - Red Rayon Iron On Applique
- Cross and Grapes Machine Embroidery Design
- Cross Style 20 with Rays Digital Machine Embroidery Design
- Maniple Pattern for Priest Pastor | Church Vestment Sewing Pattern Style 2004
- Spade End Stole & Maniple Pattern Style 1022 | Priest Stole Pattern
- Small Spade End Stole Maniple Pattern |Priest Spade End Stole Style 1021
- Tippet Pattern for Church Vestments Pattern
- Dove Goldwork Applique for Pentecost | Goldwork Religious Applique
- Trinity Goldwork Applique
- Cross Goldwork Applique
- Alpha Omega Goldwork Embroidered Emblem
- Stole Style #1 White | Evangelist Collection Clergy
- Tessuto Dorato Cloth of Gold Fabric
- Gothic Chasuble Pattern with Column Orphrey | Style 3002
- Stole | in the Maximus the Confessor Church Vestment Collection
- Silk Clergy Stole | Alpha Omega | Priest, Pastors, and Deacons
- Hangers - Pastor Stole Hanger
- Clergy Stole Hanger | Vestment Hangers
- Reformation Pulpit and Lectern Falls in Luther Rose Brocade
- Antependium Catechesis Tree in Luther Rose Brocade
- Christmas Rose Chalice Veil and Burse in the Virgin and Child Vestment Collection
- Christmas Rose Clergy Stole | Virgin and Child Church Vestment Collection
- Rose Altar Frontal & Vestments | Florence Brocade Tapestry Collection
- Chalice Veil in the Justin Martyr Vestment Colletion
- Evangelist Chasuble or Stole | White Priest Chasuble or Stole
- Clergy Stole #2 in the Evangelist Collection | Pastoral or Priest Stoles
- Stole | Messianic Rose
- Deacon or Priest Stole | with Blessed Virgin Mary Embroidery
- Martyr Stole | for Priest or Deacon with Black and Silver Trim
- Priest Stole or Deacon Stole | Bishop Cyprian Brocade and Tapestry
- Advent Blue or Violet Pastor Stole | O'Antiphon Collection
- Virgin and Child Chasuble and Low Mass Church Vestment Set
- St. Ignatius Chalice Veil or Burse Collection
- Chalice Veil or Burse in the Luther Rose style #2 Ecclesiastical Collection
- Pentecost Design Pulpit and Lectern Fall
- Stole Style #6 | Luther Rose | Clergy Stole
- Crucifixion of Christ Embroidered Applique | Lent Religious Applique
- Madonna and Child Embroidered Applique | Religious Applique
- Special Purchase Oval and Cross Religious Brocade Fabric | Religious Brocade
- Silk Dupioni and Wakefield | Stole
- Classic Gothic Priest Chasuble with Y Orphrey Bands |Gothic Brocade Chasuble
- Luther Rose Chasuble Style #4 | Orphrey Embroidery and Dove
- Silk Dupioni | Clergy and Deacon Stoles | Red, Green and Violet
- Chalice Veil in Winchester Collection
- Frontal and Superfrontal in the Saint Justin Martyr Ecclesiastical Collection
- Frontal and Superfrontal in the St. Margaret Ecclesiastical Collection
- Stole | The St. Irenaeus of Lyons Collection
- Roman Surplice or Square Yoke Surplice Sewing Pattern | Plain Hem Knee or Full Length
- Polyester Satin Fabric
- Canterbury Cross Clergy | Stole | White Pastor & Priest
- Reformation Altar Frontal | Attached Superfrontal
- Red Chalice Veil or Burse | Cross Design chalice Veil or Burse
- Messianic Rose Double Leaf Design Machine Embroidery File
- Messianic Rose Single Stem Digital Machine Embroidery Design
- Stole Chain | Stole Making Accessories
- Cotton Canvas Fabric Heavy Weight
- Chasuble and Stole in the St. Irenaeus of Lyons Collection
- Advent Banner O Sapientia | Blue or Violet Advent Banner
- Roman Fiddleback Chasuble Pattern | Style 3013 Chasuble Pattern
- Antique Gold Metallic Thread Fringe
- Greek Cross Alpha Omege 2 Embroidery | Digital Religious Embroidery
- Blessed Virgin Mary Quatrefoil Machine Embroidery Design
- Blessed Virgin Mary | Religious Embroidery Machine Design
- Bullion Gold Jeweled Cross
- Pulpit Fall Style #3 in the Saint Ambrose Ecclesiastical Collection
- Pulpit Fall in the Rose Ecclesiastical Collection
- Burse Pre Cut Boards for Burse
- Pulpit Fall Style #2 in the Saint Ambrose Ecclesiastical Collection
- Pulpit Fall Style #1 in the Saint Ambrose Ecclesiastical Collection
- Blessed Virgin Mary Funeral Urn Pall
- Bible Bookmark in the Saint Ambrose Ecclesiastical Collection
- 5" Wide Clergy Stole Pattern | Pastors & Priest Stole Pattern Style 1005
- Monastic Chasuble Luther Rose Brocade Ecclesiastical Collection
- Rochet Sewing Pattern for Bishops | Bishops Rochet Sewing Pattern
- Gothic Chasuble Sewing Pattern Y Orphrey | Gothic Chasuble Style 3001
- Japanese Gold Thread Imitation for Goldwork Embroidery
- Gothic Chasuble Style #2 in the Luther Rose Brocade Ecclesiastical Collection
- Stole Style #2 | Deacon Stole in Luther Rose Brocade
- Pulpit Fall in the Luther Rose Brocade Ecclesiastical Collection
- Stole Style #5 | The Luther Rose Brocade Ecclesiastical Collection
- Cathedral Priest Cope Vestment or Stole | Brocade Tapetry Priest Cope
- Clergy Stole in the Saint Ignatius of Antioch Collection
- Saint Ignatius of Antioch Chasuble | Ecclesiastical Collection
- Deacon Stole Sewing Pattern | Deacon Vestment Stole Pattern 1009
- Pulpit Fall Pattern
- Black Grosgrain Fabric | Liturgical and Formal Wear Fabric
- Chalice Veil or Burse | Saint Thomas Ecclesiastical Collection
- Stole Style #4 | The Luther Rose Brocade Ecclesiastical Collection
- Trestle Frame Stand for holding Slate Frames
- Stole Style #3 | The Luther Rose Brocade Ecclesiastical Collection
- Chalice Veil in the Philip Melacthon Ecclesiastical Collection
- Red Stole Style #2 | The Luther Rose Brocade Ecclesiastical Collection
- Stole Style #1 | in the Luther Rose Brocade Ecclesiastical Collection
- Pentecost Flames--Religious Machine Embroidery File
- Stole | The Saint Thomas Ecclesiastical Collection
- Chalice Veil Pattern | Church Vestment Pattern
- Keys to the Kingdom | Religious Embroidery Machine File
- Flame for Pentecost--Religious Embroidery Machine File
- Pentecost Dove--Religious Machine Embroidery File
- Pentecost Embroidery Dove Design w/ Oval Frame - Religious Embroidery Designs
- VDMA Latin Cross--Religious Machine Embroidery File
- VDMA Greek Cross--Religious Machine Embroidery File
- VDMA with Bible--Religious Machine Embroidery File
- Oval VDMA Latin Cross--Religious Machine Embroidery File
- Stole | In The Saint Alexander of Alexandria Ecclesiastical Collection
- Urn Funeral Pall
- Office of Keys--Religious Machine Embroidery File
- Ten Commandments--Religious Machine Embroidery File
- Trinity Creed--Religious Machine Embroidery File
- Prayer--Religious Machine Embroidery File
- Baptism Rondel Religious Embroidery Design |Digital Machine Embroidery
- Chalice and Host--Religious Machine Embroidery File
- Gold Spray--Religious Machine Embroidery File
- Cope Vestment Sewing Pattern with Hood Pattern
- Patonce Cross Rose--Religious Machine Embroidery File
- Church Needlework by Hinda Hands - The Hand Embroidery Handbook
- Luther Rose 500th Anniversary--Religious Machine Embroidery File
- Messianic Rose - Religious Embroidery Machine File
- Messianic Rose Solo--Religious Embroidery Machine File
- Monastic Chasuble Pattern V-Yoke Orphrey Band | Style 3004 Monastic Chasble Pattern
- Chalice Veil or Burse | St. Margaret Brocade Ecclesiastical Collection
- Lent Cross with Crown of Thorns--Religious Machine Embroidery File
- Pulpit Fall in the St. Margaret Brocade Ecclesiastical Collection
- Burse in the Saint Augustine Ecclesiastical Collection
- Clergy Stole Style #2 in the Saint Gregory the Great Collection
- Chasuble and Priest Stole | Saint Thomas Ecclesiastical Collection
- Chi Rho Palm--Religious Machine Embroidery File
- Chalice Veil in the Saint Augustine Ecclesiastical Collection
- Luther Rose Liturgical Brocade Fabric
- Silk Dupioni Liturgical Church Vestment Fabric 54" Wide
- Silk Dupioni Fabric 45" Width
- Lent or Good Friday Cross--Religious Machine Embroidery File
- Stole Style #1 | The Saint Gregory the Great Ecclesiastical Collection
- Large Passion Flower--Religious Machine Embroidery File
- Passion Flower--Religious Machine Embroidery File
- Chalice Veil in the Saint Gregory the Great Ecclesiastical Collection
- Violet Lent Priest Stole | Saint Ambrose Ecclesiastical Collection
- Green Priest Stole | Saint Michael Ecclesiastical Collection
- Stole | in the Saint Jerome Ecclesiastical Collection
- Narrow Piping for Edging Chalice Veils and Vestments
- Black Stole for Pastors and Priests | St .Augustine Ecclesiastical Collection
- Messianic Rose & Crown | Religious Embroidery Machine File
- Luther Rose--Religious Machine Embroidery File
- VDMA Symbol Cross (Reformation) Liturgical Machine Embroidery Design
- Luther Rose Quatrefoil--Religious Machine Embroidery File
- Embroidery Slate Frame | Hand Embroidery Wooded Slate Frame
- Twill Tape Light Weight
- V-Neck Priest Stole Sewing Pattern | Clergy Stole Pattern Style 1008
- Tapered Pastor or Priest Stole Pattern | Clergy Stole Pattern Style1007
- 3.5" Wide Pastors & Priests Stole Pattern | Clergy Stole Pattern Style 1003
- Omega Star--Religious Machine Embroidery File
- Alpha Star--Religious Machine Embroidery File
- Omega Dot Circle--Religious Machine Embroidery File
- Bright Gold Metallic Cross Appliques | Iron On Backing Cross
- Alpha Dot Circle--Religious Machine Embroidery File
- Mini Gold Metallic Thread 3" Long Tassel
- 3" Tassel for Church Vestments and Church Paraments
- Amice Pattern | Priest Vestment Sewing Patterns
- Twill Tape Heavy Weight 1.5" Wide
- Twill Tape Heavy Weight
- Small Cross Appliques Antique Gold with Iron On Backing
- 4.5" Wide Pastors & Priests Stole Pattern | Clergy Stole Pattern Style 1004
- Chi Rho--Religious Machine Embroidery File
- Metalllic Cope Tassel 6" Long
- Red Gold Twist | Goldwork Couching Twists
- Resplendent Linen Blend Liturgical Fabric | Altar Linens
- Radiance Optic White Linen Liturgical Fabric
- Opalescent Linen Fabric
- Renaissance Linen Liturgical Fabric
- Metallic Thread Fringe 2" Deep Gold
- White Cotton Girdle
- Gold Tassel - Banner Cord
- Cope Tassel Rayon Notion For Church Vestments
- Plain Fringe 3" Deep
- Plain Fringe 2" Deep For Church Vestments
- Two Color Fringe | Church Vestment Fringe Trim
- MS Braid
- Gold Chain Braid ½"
- Gold BS Braid ½" and 1"
- Silver BS Braid Trim ½" and 1"
- Gold Oak Leaf Braid
- Silver Oak Leaf Braid
- Trail Braid 1/2" Trim
- St Paul Braid Trim
- St Benet 3/4" Trim Narrow Braid | Church Vestment Trim Galloon
- St Benet Braid 1/2" Trim
- Quatrefoil Braid 3/4" Trim
- Landsdowne Braid Narrow Trim | Narrow Trim Braid
- Guildford Braid 1/2"
- Ecclesia Rayon Braid 1/2"
- Ecclesia Rayon Braid 1"
- Ecclesia Lurex Braid 1/2" Church Notions
- Ecclesia Lurex Braid 1" Church Notion
- Dice Trim Church Notion
- St. Dominic Orphrey 3" Trim
- Pugin Orphrey 3" Trim
- Ecclesia Lurex Braid 3" Church Notion
- Venezia Liturgical Fabric & Metallic Brocade
- Verona Tapestry Liturgical Fabric
- Portuguese Tapestry Liturgical Fabric
- Braganza Tapestry Liturgical Fabric
- Aragon Tapestry Liturgical Fabric
- Chelmsford Silk Damask Liturgical Fabric
- St. Hubert Liturgical Brocatelle Fabric
- Ludlow Brocatelle Liturgical Fabric
- Orleans Cloth of Gold Liturgical Fabric
- Bramfield Silk Damask Liturgical Fabric | Religious Liturgical Fabric
- Lurex Diaper Gold Liturgical Fabric
- Cloth of Gold Fabric | Liturgical Fabrics & Linen
- Cloth of Silver Fabric | Liturgical Fabric & Linen
- York Brocade Liturgical Fabric
- Perugia Liturgical Fabric
- Tudor Rose Damask Liturgical Fabric
- St. Aidan Brocade Liturgical Fabric
- Cloister Liturgical Brocade Fabric
- Ely Crown Liturgical Brocade Fabric
- Romsey Brocade Liturgical Fabric
- Glastonbury Liturgical Brocade Fabric
- Florence Liturgical Brocade Fabric
- Winchester Brocade Liturgical Fabric | Brocade Fabric
- Truro Damask Liturgical Fabric | Silk Damask Sewing Fabric
- Evesham Liturgucal Brocade Fabric
- Evesham Silk Damask Liturgical Fabric | Black Silk Damask Sewing Fabric
- Lichfield Brocade Liturgical Fabric
- St. Margaret Brocade Liturgical Fabric
- Fairford Liturgical Brocade Fabric
- St. Nicolas Damask Liturgical Fabric
- Wakefield Brocatelle Liturgical Fabric
- Normandy Polyester Brocade Fabrics | Church Brocade Liturgical Fabric
Whether you’re looking for custom vestments or just need advice on fabric, we’ve got your back. At Ecclesiastical Sewing, we’re all about helping you create something special for your church or project. No cookie-cutter solutions here.
Shoot us an email below, and let’s chat. Our team of artisans is ready to answer your questions, help with custom orders, or talk through any ideas you have. Whatever you need, we’ll figure it out together.
Fill out the form or send us an email—let’s make your next project extraordinary.
- 218 288 4440