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Clergy Appreciation 2017

Sunday, October 8th, is clergy appreciation day in the USA. Ecclesiastical Sewing is, of course, your number one source for designing something spectacular for your pastor, priest, bishop, or other clergy members. There is still time to order items for clergy appreciation Sunday.

Image result for clergy appreciation day

But, every Sunday, no…every day should be a day you show your love and support for your clergy. They are in a position of authority over their churches and congregations. They are also there to take care of your emotional and spiritual needs. Ultimately they serve us in ways no other member of society can care for us.

And so, we should thank them. As a form of thanks, we should care for them in return. Preparing a favorite meal or lending a DVD they have not seen but would like to see…these are two simple ideas to show your love and support on any normal day of the year.

Image result for thank you for all that you do

For their birthday, Christmas, installation anniversary, or ordination anniversary, think of something bigger and nicer that you can give. Often, if many members of the congregation give a small amount, these contributions add up and you can purchase something nice and meaningful for your clergy—think stole, chasuble, cope, or perhaps a leather bound set of volumes they have been eyeing to add to their studies.

Are you lost for ideas? Does your pastor or priest have a well beloved or well-worn stole that he has had for 20 plus years? You can replace it…OR if there is a talented seamstress among the congregation (or even a relative of a member) they can restore the stole. Or they can take the embroideries from one stole and use them as an orphrey patch to make a new stole with the favorite pieces from the old stole. Ask around in the church or ask your officiant what they need. They will tell you what vestment pieces are missing or need freshening from their wardrobe.

At several conferences, the saddest thing we heard was “I wish I could have something so lovely to wear during worship service. But my congregation would never pay for these. They are content with the original items from the 1950’s/60’s/70’s.” Although I would never advocate for Christians to waste their money or spend money outside of their means, a church is a place of worshiping our God. And it is only fitting that the minister and the church be beautifully adorned in the best that can be offered within the means of the members.

So this week, think how you can care for your priest or pastor—bring a favorite caffeinated beverage to Bible Study for them?—and think how you can provide for them on a larger scale.

God bless and thanks for reading and thinking.

~Nihil Sine Deo~

Filed under: Ecclesiastical Sewing Tagged: clergy appreciation, gifts for pastors, gifts for priests, Showing Christian Love, vestments as gifts
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